ACM Panels vs Flat Sheet Aluminum

When it comes to consistency and precision, aluminum composite materials are among the best metal construction products the industry has to offer. ACM panels are flat when manufactured and stay flat even after installation. There is no “oil canning” or wrinkling because the skins are bonded to the core under tension, which produces a balanced panel.
Oil canning is generally an aesthetic issue; structural integrity is typically not affected. If oil canning is present, it is usually apparent at the time of construction, but is likely to become even more pronounced over time. It is caused by differential stresses within the metal itself. The degree of waviness can be difficult to measure, but may be apparent, especially under specific lighting conditions. The stresses may be introduced at a number of stages in panel manufacturing, including metal coil production, coil processing & panel fabrication, support systems and substrate suitability, and panel installation.
Project using Flat Sheet Aluminum (before pictures):

Project using ACM panels (after pictures):