When you need a high-tech look with energy-saving, insulating properties for glazing inserts, Thermolite panels are the answer.
Thermolite panels are constructed with an insulating foam core sandwiched between two corrugated, stabilizers and finished aluminum sheets.
Available in smooth or stucco-embossed finishes in a variety of durable colors, Thermolite panels add a highly decorative and durable surface with excellent insulating properties.

Curtain walls, Opaque glazing, Butt glazing, In-fill panels, Window systems, Window replacement, Storefronts, Spandrels, Partitions, Sunrooms, Grow rooms, Commercial door systems
View Projects Using Thermolite™ Glazing Panels
Thermolite™ Glazing Panels
Standard Flat Thermolite Glazing Panel
Fabricated Thermolite Glazing Panel Option
In addition to our standard flat Thermolite panel, Laminators offers fabricated options to provide additional R-Value, new aesthetics and to create hairline joints between panels. Thermolite Glazing Panels are designed to easily fit into any standard or custom glazing system. With building and energy efficiency codes becoming even more stringent, these panels can be a smart solution for your next project.
Available in smooth or stucco-embossed (U-MAX only) finishes in a variety of durable colors.
Thermolite™ U-MAX
A 7-ply, rabbet edge panel designed to provide increased insulation on the panel’s interior face.
- Increases R-Value by 100-200% (over standard 1” infill panels)
- Up to 3-1/2” overall panel thickness
Thermolite™ SE
To provide new aesthetics with the ability to adjust the reveal created between the face of the mullion and the face of the panel.
- Fits into 1” to 2-1/2” glazing pocket
- Up to 3-1/2” overall panel thickness
Thermolite™ WE
Edge treatment allowing for metal-to-metal butt-glazed joints to create hairline joints.
- 1-4 wrapped/panned edges
- Up to 2” panel thickness
Thermolite panels are lightweight, easy to handle, and quick to install. This is the perfect solution for fitting into 1-inch insulating glass curtain walls and storefront extruded molding systems. Panels can be fabricated on-site using standard carpentry tools or factory-cut to meet your exact specifications.