Laminators’ Rout & Return installation system gives a sophisticated yet high-tech look. Prefabricated panels can be panned onsite using standard carpentry tools to give a solid, finished appearance.
Excellent strength and a “deep-reveal” appearance are obtained for commercial and institutional installations. Rout & Return can be combined with other installation systems for a more economical, total installed cost.

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Rout & Return Installation Overview
With outstanding features such as exceptional strength and durability, ease of installation, and the flexibility of custom colors, Omega-Lite is the premier choice in aluminum composite material for a variety of architectural projects across the United States and Canada.
- Sophisticated, high-tech look
- “Deep-Reveal” or flush monolithic appearance
- On or off-site fabrication provides flexibility during the installation
- NFPA 285 compliant for multi-story buildings*
*Refer to NFPA 285 compliant CAD drawings